Seyfarth Shaw’s Consumer Class Action and Product Liability groups have achieved a prestigious ranking in the highly regarded Legal 500 United States 2023 edition, solidifying their reputation as one of the nation’s top legal teams. This recognition reaffirms Seyfarth’s unwavering commitment to excellence in Product Liability, Mass Tort, and Class Action law.

The Legal

On November 9, 2021, the Oklahoma Supreme Court in State ex rel. Hunter v. Johnson & Johnson, No. 118474, 2021 WL 5191372 (Okla., Nov. 9, 2021), overturned a $465 million verdict against opioid manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson (“J&J”). In the 5-1 decision, the court held that the district court erred in holding J&J liable

An Oregon federal jury reached a verdict in a Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) class action in April that exposes the defendant to a potential judgment in excess of $2.7 billion.

The TCPA makes unlawful certain telecommunications including telemarketing calls without consent to cell phones and residential land lines using an artificial or prerecorded voice

On September 1, 2015, California enacted Senate Bill 633 (“SB 633”), loosening the state’s restrictions on “Made in USA” labeling.  Under existing law, codified at Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17533.7, a product may not be sold or offered for sale in California as “Made in U.S.A” if the product, or any article, unit,